At Focus Broking Services, we can help you reach your long-term wealth through an SMSF Loan. With our expertise and knowledge, and under your authority, we can work with your trusted Advisor’s to help you reach your goals.

With access to over 40 lenders, we can help you access flexible SMSF Loan solution such as:

  • Variable Interest Rate and Fixed Interest Rate or Split Rate loans
  • Choose from Principle and Interest repayments or Interest Only options
  • Key features include: Offset Account, additional payments can be made by the SMSF, Rate Lock on Fixed Rate loans, Interest In advance option for Fixed Interest Rate loans
  • LVR available up to 80%
  • Minimum Loan Amount $100,000 to $2,000,000
  • Choice of loan term up to 30 years (Lender may set the loan term according to their lending criteria)

How do SMSF Loans works?

  • While the SMSF is paying off the loan, the property is held in a Trust for the benefit of the SMSF until the loan is repaid
  • All transactions must be at arm’s length, for non-related parties and conducted at market rates
  • It is important to note that the borrowing is a limited recourse loan.This means that the acquired asset is the only asset that can be used as security and it protects the other assets held in the SMSF
  • Once the loan is repaid, legal ownership of the property is transferred from the Bare/Holding Trust to the SMSF

For basic information, visit the Australian Taxation Office Self Managed Super Fund website

For more information on SMSF loans, contact Tony on 0414 993 222 today!


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