At Focus Broking Services, we specialise in Asset Loans and can help you achieve your goals through a tailored solution.

We have access to various loan products and unique solutions including:

Commercial Hire Purchase (CHP)
This product is most commonly used by businesses on accrual-based accounting to finance vehicles and equipment or by individuals who use their vehicle at work.

Terms: You can tailor your payments by selecting the term (up to five years) and incorporating a larger instalment and/or an up-front deposit.

Ownership: CHP agreement is used where the ultimate ownership of the asset is the key requirement of the business.

Chattel Mortgage
This product is most commonly used by businesses on cash-based accounting.

Terms: You can tailor your payments by selecting the term (up to five years) and incorporating a larger final instalment and/or upfront deposit.

Ownership: With a Chattel Mortgage, you own the asset at the end of the term.

Finance Lease
Most commonly used by businesses, this product allows the customer to use up-to-date vehicles and equipment without tying up large amounts of capital.

Terms: The lease can be tailored with rentals in advance or arrears, flexible terms (up to five years) and a residual value that is set to reflect the asset’s use and ATO guidelines.

Ownership: Finance Lease, the Finance company owns the asset during the duration of the lease. Lessee has the option to acquire ownership of the asset by making an offer at the end of the lease.

Novated Lease
This product is most commonly used by individuals, enabling employees to salary package their vehicle. A novated lease is generally a three-way agreement (“novation agreement”) between an employer, employee and lease company, under which the employee leases a vehicle from the lease company, and the employer agrees to take on the employee’s obligations under the lease.

Terms: the employee, in conjunction with their employer, signs a Novated Lease agreement for an agreed term (up to five years). Monthly rentals and a final residual payment are based on ATO guidelines. Running costs of the vehicle including monthly lease rentals, maintenance, fuel, and insurance can be salary sacrificed from the employee’s gross pay thereby reducing their taxable income.

Ownership: Novated Lease, If the employee ceases to be employed by that employer, or the lease agreement ends, the employee retains the vehicle, but all obligations assumed by the employer under the novation agreement revert to the employee.

Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should also seek independent financial, accounting and tax advice before acquiring a financial product.

If would like more information on how we can help you, contact Tony on 0414 993 222 to learn more about your loan options.


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